For All Foodies Alike:

Hey Foodies! Welcome to FoodieQT.

I'm Chio, I'm wife and mother to a family of 4. When I'm not busy making crafts, I'm cooking in the kitchen. These meals are designed for everything who wants to make a meal homemade quick. I'm not a trained chef, just a home cook who loves to cook and bake. I start my day with cooking for scratch for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

This is the place where food and flavors meet, then you EAT...

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Chicken Crockpot Roast..wannabe Pot Roast

Crockpot Chicken Roast

Hi Everyone!
After many comments and facebook emails on how to make this dish, I'm typing it up for you guys! This is truly a no muss, no fuss cooking tonight. All you need is some fresh ingredients and crockpot and  viola!

Here's what you need:

5-8 chicken quarters (depending on the size of your crockpot)
House seasonings (i.e., garlic, salt, pepper, pepper flakes, italian seasonings)
6 potatoes quartered
1/2 juilienne onion
Corn cut into halves, carrots, broccoli (optional)
1-1 1/2 cup of chicken stock or chicken buillion
Salt to taste
Non-stick pan

1. Wash ckn and coat in dry rub (house seasonings) and sear in a non-stick pan. No oil or water, make sure pan is hot, it must sizzle when you place chicken in pan.

TIP: Searing; will seal in the chicken juices and give the chicken a nice coating.

2. Place potatoes, onions,and corn  in crockpot. Add chicken stock. Add some fresh pepper, salt to taste.
TIP: There should be only enough chicken stock to cover only half of veggies, too much liquid will result in mushy veggies. If you do add soft veggies like broccoli, make sure they are on top and aren't in the chicken stock.  The chicken juices will steam them.

3. Place chicken in once seared and place cover on. Set for 5hrs on low (be sure to check at 5hrs if your chicken is fully cooked, for potatoes check you should be able to stick a fork in them without it falling apart) ONLY if you seared the chicken. If you didn't sear the chicken, it will take 6-7hrs on low.



  1. all your stuff looks soo good lol great blog!

    1. Thank you! I'm sorry for the delay. I didn't know there was a comment on here, have you many any? like to know how they turned out =)
