Prep Time: 15 mins
Cooking Time: 3-4hrs on HIGH
5 Chicken Drumsticks -washed-
4-5 Pork Neckbones cut into small pieces -ask your butcher to do it for you-
1 pack of Guajillo Chiles -4-5 chiles-
1 pack of Ancho Chiles -4 chiles needed-
1 6oz. can of tomato sauce
2 teaspoons of garlic powder -separated-
2 teaspoons salt -separated-
1 teaspoon pepper
2 cloves -whole-
1/4 of a onion
1 6oz. can of tomato sauce
1 medium size can of white hominy
6 cups of water and 1/4 cup of water -separated-
1. Heat your crockpot for 10 mins prior. Place all spices in crockpot and 4 cups of water into the pot. Give it a stir and add chicken drumsticks,onion, and neckbones.
2. Take the chiles and use kitchen shears to cut stem off and open them from the side. Take all seeds out and place in bowl together. Add 2 cups of water into the bowl, heat with chiles in microwave or stovetop for 10 mins.
3. After the chiles have slightly cooled. Place in blender with tomato sauce, salt, garlic powder and blend into it comes to a smooth paste. If its running that's ok too, don't add more water. *Use a glass bowl, since these chiles are used to tint things, it will tint your bowl* Give it a stir.
4. Let it cook for 4-5hrs on High. Add hominy to pot 30 minutes before serving.
5. Enjoy!
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