For All Foodies Alike:

Hey Foodies! Welcome to FoodieQT.

I'm Chio, I'm wife and mother to a family of 4. When I'm not busy making crafts, I'm cooking in the kitchen. These meals are designed for everything who wants to make a meal homemade quick. I'm not a trained chef, just a home cook who loves to cook and bake. I start my day with cooking for scratch for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

This is the place where food and flavors meet, then you EAT...

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Viet Spring Rolls

Have you ever seen something at a restaurant and think well, I can do that at home. Discovering my new love for this Vietnamese style-soup, Pho, I went to a restuarant with my husband and he ordered some vietnamese spring rolls. I decided to give them a try and see what happens.

Raw Shrimp
Bean sprouts (washed, drained, dry)
Romaine Lettuce (washed, drain, cut into long strip w/o center leave)
Rice Paper Wraps/Pancakes
Srichra Hot Sauce
A bowl with cold water large enough to drench rice paper wraps
Peanut dipping sauce

1. Cook your shrimp in a non-stick sautee pan with some Srichra Hot Sauce, just a bit goes a long way. Cook at medium to high heat, a little salt and pepper. 2-3 mins will do the trick.

2. To activate rice paper, drench in cold water or hot, but it was easier on the hands. Drench in water for 2-3 minutes until the pancakes are pliable.

3. On a cooking board, lay the pancakes, add the lettuce, sprouts, and then cook shrimp in a nice row.

4. To roll, place the stuffing, on the lower part of the pancake. Then fold in the sides and start rolling.

5. Enjoy with some limes and peanut sauce.